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Casualties of Horror




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  • Violent Stabbing 2
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  • Unfair Stabbing
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  • Unfair Stabbing
    0.00041 BTC

    PKF Studios - Unfair Stabbing

    Clip Description

    Unfair Stabbing, An
    Time: 18:15 minutes
    Starring: Mikki
    This video features: stabbing undressing blood

    Mikki is very sad and wants to end her life. She obtains contact information for an assassin and calls, giving out her info and details to the person on the other end of the phone who remains silent.

    Later, at a prearranged time, he shows up, and remaining silent, she asks him to come back later that week and murder her by stabbing her between her tits. He leaves, assuming he will do this job.

    The evening arrives and she sits on the couch flipping channels. She comes across a breaking news story about a serial killer in the area that is viciously stabbing his victims--but there is a knock at the door before the report finishes.

    She opens the door. The first time the assassin arrived, he wore a mask, but this time there was no mask, only insane eyes and a big smile staring back at her. She reminded him to stab her right between the tits and as he showed her a brief look of bewilderment, she backed always as he raised a large knife. At that moment she knew this was the serial killer from the news. She panicked, started to plead, but he rushed right at her--plunging the 12 inch blade through her stomach.

    She was in shock, the handle of the knife sticking out of her...about the moment the pain started to register, he pulled it out. She looked at up him in time to see the knife slicing back down--this time through her left breast. Only partway in she stared at the blade in shock and pain, then he thrusts it the rest of the way, snapping bone as it slid through her breastbone. He puled it back out, the knife covered with blood.

    She fell to the floor, having barely the strength to crawl forward he ended up collapsing. She rolled over--blood filled up her lung and throat--she coughed it out covering her face and eyes. She spasmed and jerked in pain and tried to plea.

    He settled down next to her and acknowledging her desire to be stabbed between the tits, he plundged the knife into her again. Her body thrust upward, her legs and hips bucking as he held the knife in her.

    He pulled the knife out and sad down and watched her suffer for a while. When he was satisfied he leaned back down next to her and as he held the knife over her, he petted her hair and gave her some fake comfort as she looked at him in complete terror. He plunged the knife between her tits again--just to the bone, then when he was satisfied, he pushed it the rest of the way. This proved to be fatal--her head slowly relaxed, she stopped shaking and she was still. Dead.

    He pulled the knife out and ripped her top and bra to the side, inspecting his work and briefly feeling her up. He leaves her dead on the floor, bleeding and exposed.

    Clip Duration:      18 minutes
    Format Size
    wmv203.12 MB

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    PKF Studios - Unfair Stabbing

    PKF Studios - Unfair Stabbing

    PKF Studios - Unfair Stabbing

    PKF Studios - Unfair Stabbing

    PKF Studios - Unfair Stabbing

    PKF Studios - Unfair Stabbing
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    Violent Shooting 2 - "Violent Shooting II"  
Introducing Jacqueline

A girl is working late at night at the office when her ex-boyfriend confronts her.

He torments her with a gun.

She makes a break for it, but he shoots her--clipping her in the side. She spins around with the impact and falls to the floor where she desperately tries to crawl away.

He nonchalantly shoots her again through her back.  She is bleeding out all over the floor as she tries to drag herself away.

She rolls over onto her back and tries to protect her upper body with her hands as he aims the gun at her.  Then he aims low and shoots her right in the belly.  She clutches herself in pain.  Blood pours from her mouth and is spreading all around her.

He walks up and stands over her--looking her in her pleading eyes, then shoots her in the heart.  Her body jerks, and she is dead.

He grabs her by the ankle and drags her blood-soaked body across the floor and out.

Outtakes and Slow Motion Shots
Alternate Version of the final Kill Shot

Fetish Elements:   Violence, Bloody Shooting, Pleading, Body Views, Dragging.

Note: Actresses are over 18 at the time of filming and the word "teen", "teenage", "young girl" is only meant to imply legal age characters regardless of audience interpretation. 
PKF Studios adheres to USC 2257 record keeping requirements.
  This movie presented in High Definition
1280X720 HD WMV Format

    Masked Stabbing - Masked Stabbing
Time: 8:00 minutes
Starring: Meira Belle Melissa Chase 
This video features: stabbing	

Notes: This one I went a bit artsy. No nudity, some *****, some gore with the neck slice. A multi-stab on one girl then a slow heart stab--love those!!! Just $8, give it a look. A girl is in her kitchen cleaning up after a Halloween party when a masked killer stabs her multiple times in the back. Then he pulls her to the floor and finishes her off by slicing her throat. Next, he confronts a second girl as she comes out of the bathroom. He forces her on the bed. She fights off his knife for a moment, but he is just to strong. Slowly the knife penetrates her chest, slicing into her heart. She dies. He leaves. Fetish Elements: No Nudity, Multi-Stabbing, Body Views.

    Destroying My Slave - "Destroying My Slave"

A Custom Production

Warning:  Very Bloody/Gory

For the Master, having a Slave was great. She would come over once a week---long enough to heal from her wounds, and he would beat the shit out of her for an hour.  Then, he would go back home to his loving wife, aggression gone, and things wold be copasetic.

Tonight started like any other session.  She arrive, in the prerequisite trenchcoat, nude underneath, cuffed and her nipples clamped.

As usual, things started out with verbal --after all, she was his slave and not a person.  She was filth--worthless.  Because she even agreed to do this, the was fucked up and he knew that.  He would wear her out, whip her, etc, until the hour was up--then she would go home to be with her cats and community collage homework and he his needy wife.

But, the phone rang.  It was his wife.  Seems that his fucking slave had feelings for him and told her.  FUCK.  He was pissed off.  He ran out of the room in a fury.

She was suspended, crying, waiting for him to return.  

And he did.  But he was different.  There was a look in his eyes.  Crazy.  Something had changed.  For the first time ever, she was scared and it was not just the role-play act she had been doing for months.

He told her tonight was the last night now that his wife had found out.  She would be his last, then he was done.  So, he was going to make it the best ever...and by best, he meant to destroy her.

He started with the punching. He hit her all over and she would do nothing.  Red patches appeared where his fist came into contact with her flesh.  He punched her all over, but many, many times in the belly.  She almost vomited, but managed not to.  At the end, she was spitting up *****.

She thought maybe this would be it.  She would leave, stop by the ER and never come back.

But, things were about to get worse.  He came at her with a screw driver. She saw him coming, tensed up in anticipation--but no one could anticipate that pain as the 6 inch shaft skewers her abdomen.  He went crazy, stabbing her many, many times,  the shaft piercing all parts of her belly and chest, sliding between her ribs, rupturing organs.  He missed her heart.  He wanted her to be around for what was next.

He stabbed her in her breast, leaving it deep in her, twisting, tearing at her ribs--the snapping, the sicking noise it made as it ripped flesh, punctured her lung.  Her breathing was raspy between her screams of pain.

Then, she passed out.

When she woke, she was cuffed to a chair.  She was covered in *****, her ***** as it seeped out 20-30 holes in her torso. She was in terrible pain.  She was having trouble breathing.  She needed help.  She hoped he was done.

He wasn't.

He had a pipe--a large pipe and he started beating her.  The pain was unbearable.  She screamed and moaned and yelled incoherent noises as he pounded her bloody body.  He broke one arm. He shattered her tibia, then later, her femur in the oposite leg.  That's ok.  She would not get up again.  Near the ned of the beat down---hitting her all over, he broke most of the bone in her hand with one swing.  She passed out.

When she woke, he had pliers and clamped them around her nipples.  She screamed as he squeezed and twisted until he tore her nipple off and tossed it to the ground. Then, he tore off her other nipple.

She was moaning, sobbing, incoherent.  She was in so much pain, it was just one bit dull numbness.  Her body was shutting down, but she was still alive--aware.  

He came at her with a knife.  He slipped it into her belly, just above her pussy, then cut upwards and did not stop until just below her sternum.  ***** poured out, covering the ground below her.  She was barely moving, twitching, but still aware.  As she saw the knife passing before her face, she weakly pleaded with her eyes and barely a word.  But, he was on a path, a path to destruction.  The knife sank into her throat and be slid it across her neck.  Her body spasmed, ***** oozed out her mouth.  

She was titching for a while longer, then finally still.  She was dead.  Be, he was not done with her.  He went up to her, opened her bloody mouth and shoved his cock in.  He fucked her mouth, the came inside, watching the *****/cum combination drool out all over her bloody chest and belly.

One final thing needed to happen for her complete destruction.  For ruining his life, he would have her head.  

He placed the hacksaw blade against her neck and started sawing.  It was tougher then he thought, cutting through the tendones and bone, but finally, he was through and he pull her head off holding it up in front of him.

He set it over on his workbench while her headless bloody corpse sat slumped in the chair, oozing *****.  He now left to go get his lovely wife, to show her what she drove him to.

Fetish Elements:  Nudity,  Graphic Violence, Sexual Content, Real Whipping, Real Punching, Suspension, Beating, Hitting, Multi-Stabbing with Screwdriver, Multi-Hitting with Pipe, Plier Nipple Removal, Stabbing/Slicing with Knife, Throat Slice, Sim Necro BJ, Hacksaw Beheading, *****, Gore.

Note: Actresses are over 18 at the time of filming and the word "teen",  "teenage ",  "young girl" is only meant to imply legal age characters regardless of audience interpretation. 
PKF Studios adheres to USC 2257 record keeping requirements.
  This movie presented in High Definition
1280X720 HD WMV Format

    Psycho Shower Slasher 7 - “Psycho Shower Slasher 7” 
Starring Amy Faye 
Directed by JohnM 

Amy has come home from a day out and wants to get in the shower and relax some before bed. 

She slowly undresses taking off her dress then her black lacy bra and panties. She puts on her big plush white robe and slides her feet into her flip flops and heads over to the bathroom where she hears her phone ringing. 

“Hello?” Amy answers the phone, her friend called to let her know about the psycho shower slasher. He has just claiming the life of his 6th victim and she was found on the side of the road dead wrapped in plastic. “Don’t worry about me,” Amy reassures her friend, “I always lock my doors and keep my windows closed. I’m safe!” 

Amy draws the water for her shower and peels off her robe and gets undressed. Amy climbs inside the shower and lathers up letting the bubbles drip over her wet naked body. As she is washing off Amy’s fingers find her pink pussy and she starts rubbing with delight. 

But, she hears something and peeks outside the shower to see what it could be. Amy sees nothing and begins to enjoy the warm water again before a shadow crosses. 

It’s the psycho shower slasher! 

He stabs Amy repeatedly in her chest and abdomen and blood is gushing out from all her wounds. Then the slasher makes his final big move slashing her across the throat. 

Amy collapses on the floor of her bathroom as she expels her last breaths the slasher leaves her bloody body on the floor. 

Fetish Elements: Sexual Content, Fondling, Teenage/Young, Nudity, Stripping, Fondling, Stabbing, Blood, Gore, Rolling, Body views, Foot Views.  

Note: Actresses are over 18 at the time of filming and the word \"teen\", \"teenage\", \"young girl\" is only meant to imply legal age characters regardless of audience interpretation.

PKF Studios adheres to USC 2257 record keeping requirements.

This movie is presented in High Definition
1920X1080 HD Quality MP4 Format

    Sliced Rilynn - "Sliced" 
Starring Rilynn Rae
Directed By John Marshall

  She was excited when her boyfriend showed her the scream mask.  She turned herself on as she waiting for him to comeback in costume.  When he did, he was holding a bloody knife and a big boner poking out the front under the fabric.  She smiled and when he acted forceful, using the knife to direct her what to do, she was turned on even more.

First, she lifted his robe and sucked his cock for a bit.  Then, he motioned for her to lay back and she did.  He took her, fucking her in his scream costume.  They did all positions and when he climaxed, it covered her face.

With a big smile she got up, and he grabbed his blood REAL knife.  When she turned toward him, he slashed her throat.  She spun around and smacked the wall just like the girl from the movie within the actual scream movie called "stab".  Now against the wall, she looked shocked---then the blood started pouring out in buckets.  She slid down the wall, and the blood poured out of her neck, warm and red, soaking her skin, spreading across the floor.

As the life drained, her hand fall to the side and she was still but for a few twitches.

The boyfriend removed his costume and lifted his dead, blood-soaked girlfriend onto the bed.  He fucked her mouth for a bit, then fucked her in several different positions.  Finally, he came on her ass--his jizz oozing down her but crack.

When it was over, he dragged her to the floor, but left her feet on the bed with her pretty sandals on.

Contains:  Violence, Nudity,  Explicit Sexual Content, Throat Slice, Blood, Necro Sex, Cum Shot, Lifting, Positioning, Foot Views, Body Views. 

Note: Actresses are over 18 at the time of filming and the word "teen", "teenage", "young girl" is only meant to imply legal age characters regardless of audience interpretation. 
PKF Studios adheres to USC 2257 record keeping requirements.
  This movie presented in High Definition
1280X720 HD WMV Format

    Basement Schoolgirl - "Basement Schoolgirl"   
Starring Kirsten
Directed by JohnM

Update:  Upscaled Resolution

    She is a 18 year old senior at a catholic school. Her rich father has run a Ponzi scheme and disappeared with everyone's money. Divorced from his wife he has set up a untouchable trust fund for his daughter.

    This man's family has lost everything causing his father to shoot his mother and then kill himself. He has to figure out how to get back at the man who caused his family to loose everything.

    With a lot of research he has found the man's daughter quietly going to school in a small town.

    She comes home from school with her book bag dressed in a schoolgirl uniform. White blouse, plaid skirt, white bra and panties, high white socks and tennis shoes and her hair in pony tails.

    As she walks into her home calling for Rosa, the housekeeper, he comes up from behind and knocks her to the ground.  He tells her they are going to become very familiar with each other over the course of the evening.

    With that he drags her to her feet by her hair and begins a good beat down. 

  She tries to beg and plead, but it make no difference, he continues to pummel her, never answering, until he knocks her out.

He picks her up and carries her off.

He lays her on a bed and begins to play with her body. He raises her skirt to her waist and rubs her through her panties. He unbuttons her blouse and raises her bra and plays with her breasts.

    He moves her panties aside and begins to finger her.  

    Suddenly she is awake and startled. She sits up and slides up the bed away from him. She pushes down her skirt, closes her blouse with her hands and draws her knees up close to her.

 She tries to get answers, but he won't give her any and walks to the head of the bed and grabs her by the hair and drags her to the foot of the bed and throws her on the bed face down.

    She try's to get up but he pushes her hard back face down on the bed. He takes handcuffs out and roughly pulls her arms behind her and attaches them to her wrists. She attempts to struggle but he puts his knee in her back to hold her down. He then then puts a ball gag on her.

    He pulls her to her feet by her hair and tells her that they are going to go for a ride.  

    He then walks her roughly out of the room.

    They walk into his room that he has set up for her.  At this point he forces her to undress.  She does so after he hits her some more.  Now he has her get on the mattress he has layed out for her.  He makes her spread her legs and finger herself.  After some of that, it is time.  He forces her to her knees on the cold hard concrete and tells he to give him a blowjob.

It is her first time, and she is reluctant, but after some coaching, she catches on, though rough and sometimes nicking him with her teeth, which he threatens her not to.  When finished, he forces her doggie on the mattress and fucks her hard.  The girl was tight, the way he liked them.  He still needed to get to the questions--that would come--soon.  He flipped her over on her back and fucked her missionary style until he released his load inside her tight little pussy.

Not he had her restrained, arms in the air, cuffs cutting into her wrists.  He started asking her about the whereabouts of her father.  She did not know.

Now the torture began. He explained what the shock box was to the girl, but she still would not tell him.  So, he started, slowly running the raw wires across her young body, causing her to jerk and shake.  The ball gag stayed in her mouth to keep her from biting off her tongue---that would be bad--how would she tell him anything if that were to happen.

With each pass, he turned up the volume.  Eventually, it was so intense, she passed out.  He woke her up, splashing water all over her--wetting her down for better conductivity.  He repositioned the wires, this time on her nipples.  She till would not talk--perhaps she knew nothing.  He was having fun anyhow, so might as well keep playing.

After frying her nips for a while he repositioned the wire, now directly on her pussy.  She was in tears, completely exhausted from all the shocking.  Drool was pouring out of her gagged mouth.  She looked absolutely miserable.  So, he asked her the question again.  Still, she did not know.  Too bad.  

The last session was brutal, shocking her pussy, more and more.  He was surprised she lasted so long.  Every time he raises the power the lights started to dim, the box started to spark.  He was really pushing the limits of the equipment and the circuitry of the basement he was in.

Finally, she passed out.

He was confident she did not know.  But, after all this, he needed to finish.  Still, he wanted to get something--just one more bit of pleasure from this 18yo schoolgirl.

When she woke, he had her suck his cock again.  This time, he promised her she would be set free.  He told her the truth, that they had not really gone anywhere, that she was in the basement of her home.  She complied, sucking his cock. As he got close, he started ramming it into her small mouth, making her gag.  Finally, he filled her up with his warm cum.  She let it our out of her mouth, mixing with the dirty water she was sitting in.  She was sure it was over.

When he went behind her, she knew it was to uncuff her, but another part of her knew otherwise.  These stories rarely ended well.  And she would be right.  He looped the rope around her neck and pulled back.  She tried to struggle, but her arms were held above her by the cuffs, now bleeding from her wrists.  Her body bucked and squirmed in the puddle of cum and water she was sitting in.  

He was surprised how long it took after all he did to her and how weak she must have been.  But, in the end, she did not go out with a bang, just a slow, slow silence.  Her eyes stared blankly, her mouth slightly open, chin covered in his cum and her face bruised beyond belief.  She was dead.  He murdered a schoolgirl--just a teenager in  the prime of her life.  So what, he thought.  Now he was ready to go find the girls mom or friends, maybe teacher.  He would do this to everyone until he found him.

He left, leaving the girl lying in water and filth.  

Contains:  Brutal Violence, Teenage/Young, Nudity, Explicit Sexual Content, R A P E, Forced Blowjob, Torture, Begging, Sexual Assault, Electrocution, Unconscious,  Garrote Strangle, Restraints, Necro Finger Fucking, Foot Views, Body Views. 

Note: Actresses are over 18 at the time of filming and the word "teen", "teenage", "young girl" is only meant to imply legal age characters regardless of audience interpretation. 

PKF Studios adheres to USC 2257 record keeping requirements.

Note: 1441X1062 Upscaled MP4 Format

  Starring Kay

In the vein of 70's horror, watch as an unsuspecting victim, looking for help is violently attacked and carried off tormented and murdered.

SEE---a pretty girl
WATCH her enter the old, dark building.
WAIT as she looks for help.
JUMP as she is attacked by the Hockeymasked Freak
LOOK as she is carried off kicking and screaming through the corridor of the building.

And if the terror has not made your eyes bleed....

FATHOM as she is thrust onto a horizontal X--a frame of unspeakable .
LOOKY as she is tied and molested--clothes torn to shreds.
CRINGE as she is  by the Freak.
CRINGE AGAIN as he NAIL SPIKES into her Hands and Feet.
CRINGE YET A 3RD TIME as the Freak RAPES her with a large FILE.


STARE as he brutally POUND a spike through her head, KILLING the helpless young girl DEAD!!!

Kay does a fantastic job being absolutely terrified the entire time.   

Fetish Elements:    Violence, Nudity, Sexual Content, , Carrying,  with File, Dripping with Sweat, Terror, Torment, Dress Ripping, Panty Ripping, Crucifixion with Spikes, Spike to the Head, Body Views.

Note: Actresses are over 18 at the time of filming and the word "teen", "teenage", "young girl" is only meant to imply legal age characters regardless of audience interpretation.
PKF Studios adheres to USC 2257 record keeping requirements.

 This movie presented in High Definition
1280X720 HD WMV Format

    Misfortune of Ivy Jones - Starring Ivy Jones and Javier L.

Javier has a new body to prepare, and starts his day off with the beautiful Ivy Jones. He starts by opening the body bag, revealing her petite frame, ready to be processed. Still dressed in her secretarial clothes, he begins to break the rigor mortis from her limbs. He then removes the body bag from under her, and begins photographing her.

Javier begins stripping Ivy, starting with her shoes, and continuing with the rest of her clothes, bra, and panties. He photographs the body more for evidence of trauma. Then he lifts her body and checks her back and limbs for trauma. He elevates her head and continues processing her body.

He uses a black light to continue the search for trauma and collects fingerprints. He collects swabs, and combs her hair for evidence. He continues with fingernail scraping and ends with oral and vaginal swags.

He finishes by rolling her on her back for one last look for trauma. Now that he has processed and documented the body, Javier drapes her body with the sheet, done with his work for the day.

Fetish Elements: Sexual Content, Morgue, Stripping, Rigor mortis, Black Light, Nudity, Finger Prints, Fingernail Scrapings, Hair Samples, Headblock, Swabbing Mouth & Pussy

    Poor Excuse - "Poor Excuse"  
Starring Ryanne

She's been skimming money from the books for months.  Saving up for that Caribbean vacation among other perks.  As she sat there in her sexy attire with plenty of panty shots for her make-believe audience, she was smug in her assertion that her employers had no idea.

Or so she thought.

One of her bosses goons had a gun pointed at her head.  It seems that her indiscretions were discovered.  She was screwed.  Denying it, she was backed up to the wall and just when she thought is was over, she got a reprieve.  The goon wanted her to strip.  

She figured with her banging hot bod and huge tits, she had the clear advantage over meat for brains with the big gun.

Still terrified, she did her best coy, strip.  He was not satisfied with her in her undies and pressed her to continue.  So, she tried to be a little more sexy, but as it turns out, he just wanted to see what all the others guys were talkng about.  Fuck.  She was out of ideas and braced for death--hopefully it would be quick.

The phone rang.  As he answered he was distracted.  Now was her chance.  She bolted out of the room.

Down the hall--all the goddam doors were locked.  As she ran buy he jumped out, firing into her back.  She was slammed forward and turned around, clitching her belly.  The shot went right through leaving a big hole.  She was stunned and the pain started to hit her.

This was it.  She was done.  She looked into his eyes.  Once last chance, her oscar performance for her life.

Bam--he shot her in the left breast, through the heart.  ***** smearing on the wall behind her, she slides down, a last sigh--she is dead.  ***** oozes out of her mouth and wounds.

He drags her off and leaves her in a heap of trash.

Fetish Elements:   Nudity, Sexual Content, leg views, begging, stripping, Chase, Shot to the back and out the belly, Shot to the chest/breast, Body Views.

Note: Actresses are over 18 at the time of filming and the word "teen", "teenage", "young girl" is only meant to imply legal age characters regardless of audience interpretation. 
PKF Studios adheres to USC 2257 record keeping requirements.
  This movie presented in High Definition
1280X720 HD WMV Format

    Violent Shooting 3 - Violent Shooting III

Starring Jessika

Directed by JohnM

Note:  Re-encoded to FULL 1920X1080 HD


A woman is watched as she enters the bathroom.  A contract killer waits for the right moment.  She is relaxing on the toilet when her stall burst open and he shoots her through the right breast.  Blood pours out, she pleads, he shoots her in the gun--more blood.  It’s everywhere.  She is starting to weaken and looks up, pleading once more.  He shoots her in the head--ending her.

He goes in, tears her shirt off and leaves her sprawls, bloody on the toilet.


Contains:  Violence, Nudity, Shooting X3, Headshot, Body Views.

Note: Actresses are over 18 at the time of filming and the word "teen", "teenage", "young girl" is only meant to imply legal age characters regardless of audience interpretation. 

PKF Studios adheres to USC 2257 record keeping requirements.

  This movie presented in High Definition

1920X1080 HD MP4 Format
Price: 10.00
Run Time: 9:35 minutes
File Size: 394 MB

    Slowly Executed - "Slowly Executed"
Starring Aubrey


A young woman, captured during a time of war is executed.  She is placed against a post, tied up for support, then her shirt is torn and pants pulled down.  Slowly, the execution puts several small caliber bullets in various parts of her body until she is almost dead.

She is taken down and in the exam room her wounds are examined. Then she is put out of her misery with a shot into her pussy.

Fetish Elements:  Violence, Nudity, Sexual Content,  Crying, Blowjob, Stripping, Multiple Shooting, Breast Shots, Nipple Shot, Pussy Area Shots, Pussy Shot, Belly Shots, Postmortem, Body Views, Foot Views.

Note:  Actresses are over 18 at the time of filming and the word "teen", "teenage", "young girl" is only meant to imply legal age characters regardless of audience interpretation.

PKF Studios adheres to USC 2257 record keeping requirements.

This movie filmed and presented in High Defination
1280X720 HD WMV Format

    Surprise Stabbing - "Surprise Stabbing"  
Starring Leilani and Brandy

 A woman walks into her home and is attacked by two people.  A woman stabs her in the breast, then the man plundges the knife into her belly.  Finally the woman stabs her through the back, the tip of the blade is shown through her right breast.  She falls to the floor, takes a few last breaths, and is dead.

The woman attacker looks down at her victim, then realizes her partner is missing.  Suddenly, he stab ber in the belly--plunging the knife in over and over and over until finally leaving it in her.  She is dead by the time she is on the floor.

He carries the first girl out, then drags his dead partner away.
Later, both girls have been strung up by their wrists and left to bleed out.

Fetish Elements:   Violence, Stabbing, Lots of Body Views.

Note: Actresses are over 18 at the time of filming and the word "teen", "teenage", "young girl" is only meant to imply legal age characters regardless of audience interpretation. 
PKF Studios adheres to USC 2257 record keeping requirements.
  This movie presented in High Definition
1280X720 HD WMV Format

    Wrong Target - "Wrong Target"  
Starring Alisha Adams and Allie James
Directed by JohnM

Note:  Re-encoded to 1080HD MP4

The hitman watches the schoolgirl as she walks through her room and turns right toward him. She gasps in surprise as he shoots her right in the left nipple.  She sinks down as blood starts to seep out.  He does not give her any time to comprehend what is happening and places another shot directly in her right nipple.  She falls dead.

He spends time checking her out, stripping some of her clothes to showcase his handiwork.  He eats her pussy for a bit before shooting her square on her venus mound.

He realizes now that he shot the wrong girl.  It is her roommate he was supposes to kill.  He fucked up and sits down on the bed, wallowing in his anger and frustration as the schoolgirl lie bleeding and head before him.

But he is in luck.  Her roommate comes in, unaware of the man on her bed.  She sets her bad down and turns just in time to received a shot right in her pussy.  She starts to react, and he puts her down with a shot to the left, then right nipple.  She collapses--dead.

Now his job is done.   He strips her clothing enough to see his handiwork, then leaves.

The two schools girls like bloody and dead in their room.

Fetish Elements:   Violence, Nudity, Graphic Sexual Content, Shooting X4 Nipples and 2 Pussy, Pussy Licking, Stripping, Body Views .


Note: Actresses are over 18 at the time of filming and the word "teen", "teenage", "young girl" is only meant to imply legal age characters regardless of audience interpretation. 

PKF Studios adheres to USC 2257 record keeping requirements.

  This movie presented in High Definition
1920X1080 HD MP4 Format

    Prisoner - "PRISONER"  
Introducing Jessika

 She was a communication specialist, nothing more. And now, she was fighting for her life.  Her convoy was hit with an IED.  Some of her friends were dead--the rest were entrenched, fighting the insurgents.  She was in the middle, explosions, gunfire all around her.   She did not know what to do, but she just prayed she would live through it.

Then the blast---a white hot flash and she was down.  Someone grabbed her, dragged her off.

4 miles away, a dusty shack and water tower stood.  That was where he lived.  He was not a soldier.  He was a survivor.  Now, he found someone to keep him happy.  A new pet.

Roughly he tossed her in the cage.  She screamed for her rights, but she had none where she was.  She did not exist anymore.

The first time he came in, she was scared, crying, confused.  But, she knew the type of man he was almost instantly and was repulsed by his groping, his touches.

He made her take her shoes off, then her jacket and pants.  She tried to cover herself.

He tormented her, leaving her in the cage for days.

When he came back, he soaked her with water.  He could see through her white t-shirt and panties.  He wanted her.  But she would only cry and twist away from him.  He punched her hard and she was down on the wet, cold floor and she was losing it.   

He came back, making her strip everything off.  She was mad now--nothing to lose.  She hated him and in a moment of strength, showed him how much by kneeing him in the groin.

At that moment, he knew.  She would not be tamed.  He made his decision to rid himself of her.

By her neck, like a naughty girl, he pushed her out in front of him and as she turned to face him, to tell him off---he shoots her in the belly.

Taken by surprise, she clutched the wound and hunches over.  Then she goes to the floor.  The bullet hole clearly exited through her back.

She rolled over, in pain, in agony, yet still looks on him with contempt.  She will be strong in her last moments.

He lets her suffer for a while, taunting her.  Then he shoots her two more times in the belly and abdomen.

She is bleeding badly.  She spits up blood.  She is dying.

He cannot believe she is still resisting him and not begging him for her life.

Perhaps there is some respect for her.  Too little too late.

He shoots her two times in the chest and with a slow exhale, she is dead.


He will miss what could have been.  It is so lonely in the desert.

So lonely.

He leaves her body to cool on the floor and will bury her after the soldiers have gone from the area.

Fetish Elements:   Violence, Nudity, Fondling, Torment, Execution, Shooting, Chest Shot, Belly Shot, Foot Views, Water, Body Views.

Note: Actresses are over 18 at the time of filming and the word "teen", "teenage", "young girl" is only meant to imply legal age characters regardless of audience interpretation. 
PKF Studios adheres to USC 2257 record keeping requirements.
  This movie presented in High Definition
1280X720 HD WMV Format

    Fuck Her Corpse 3 Special Agent - Fuck Her Corpse 3
Special Agent 
Starring Jizzabelle
Directed by JohnM

Note: Upgraded to 1920X1080 HD 60FPS 


Special Agent Monicka Marshall has infiltrated the Sandle Corporation and confronts its owner who is a known weapons dealer.  He gets the jump on her, shooting her several times until she is finally dead.  He fucks her bloody body hard on his desk.  Later, he visits her in the morgue to find out who she was and decided to examine her more thoroughly while he is there.


Special Agent Marshall was given the go ahead to make the arrest.  It was a simple procedure.  She had been an employee at the Sandle Corporation for 6 months while the investigation on it's owner proceeded.  All she had to do was wait.  And now, it was after hours, he had no security, no other employees around.  She approached him with some papers to sign, then pulled out her gun.

But, he had a piece under his desk, and sent a round into her soft belly.  Blood poured out of the wound as she mustered enough strength to raise up her 9mm.  But, he fired two more times--hitting her in the belly and abdomen.  She fell forward, the exit wound clearly seen soaking her back.  She still, managed to get up, her heels unsteady in her own blood, and he shot her two more times in the chest.  She went down, struggled a bit, then was still--staring.  Blood poured out of the wounds, soaking her shirt and pooling around her.

He turned his back on her for a moment to call for a clean up.  But, she still had life in her and slowly rose behind him.  Sensing it, he spin around, but not before she fired---or, at least tried to fire.  Her gun was jammed.  He smirked, and let off one shot, striking her in the temple--some of her brains splatting on the wall behind her.  She slid down the wall.  Dead.  Blood squirting out of her head against the wall, then running down her back, mixed with pieces of brain, puddling on the floor.

She would not be getting back up.  After he concluded his phone call, he checked her out.  She was stunning, even covered in blood.  He pulled her around, sliding easily in her blood.  He got her up on his desk, over on her tummy, her ass toward him. He was instantly hard, and slipped his cock in her hot pussy.  He fucked her hard until bursting inside her.  Then he left her---his office was trashed.  The cleaning crew would have it back to normal in a jiffy.

At the morgue in the local hospital, he gained entry using his connections to get a fake badge.  It was after hours and no one would disturb him.  He checked her ID.  He was impressed that this young, beautiful agent tried to stand up against him.  

He took his time giving her a last treatment.  First, taking off all her clothing--looking at the damage he caused her.  He then rolled her over, seeing her exit wounds and the back of her head.  He played a bit with her brains--in a small baggie tied to her arm.  Then, he spread her legs and fingered her tight, cold pussy.  

He rolled her back over and started washing her.  Using a bucket and rag, he slowly went over her whole body, watching the soap and water mix on her skin as the blood was washed off.

Once she was washed, he wanted her one last time.  So, he pulled her to the edge of the table and fucked her tight, cold hole until he came all over her belly.  

As he was leaving, he tried to close her eyes, but they stayed open, so he gave up.  He left the pretty dead agent with her legs dangling off the edge, ready for the next guy who might want her.

Fetish Elements:  Graphic Violence, Nudity,  Explicit Sexual Content, Graphic Shooting, Multi-9mm Shots, Head Shot, Gore, Blood Flow, Necro Fucking x2, Morgue, Postmortem, Body Washing, Body Rolling, Body Views.

Note: Actresses are over 18 at the time of filming and the word "teen", "teenage", "young girl" is only meant to imply legal age characters regardless of audience interpretation.

PKF Studios adheres to USC 2257 record keeping requirements.

This movie presented in High Definition
1920X1080 HD 60FPS MP4 Format

    Commando Girl - "COMMANDO GIRL"  
Starring Stormy

Note:  Great performance by Stormy and one of my most effect intensive projects to date.  Please enjoy.

Commando Girl is in enemy territory.  She carefully makes her way though a battle ridden warehouse, looking for her fallen companions and enemies to kill.

She knows she is close, and her finger is itching to tear holes in her scum-suckings foes.  

Then, the tracer round start and she battles her way into another room and is pinned behind a column.  She fights hard, unloading round into her enemy position. 

But her enemy is cunning, firing discriminately--keeping her pinned.

Suddenly, she is hit in her right breast. Snipped from another direction.  They have surrounded her.  She does not know how many.  But she does know when she had been outplayed.   Her machine-gun empty, she switches to her trusty 9mm.

But, she would never let herself be taken and fires more rounds, egging them on.  Another shot hits her in her left breast.  She realizes now, they don't mean to take her prisoner.  Mustering courage, she goads them on.

Another shot--this time in her left shoulder.  She keeps it up, hoping for one of those ass-sucking scumbags to show his face so she can take it off with a well-placed shot.

Her strength going, she feels her body failing her.  She manages to raise her pistol, just wanting to get one more shot off.  The sniper waits until she is about to fire, then lets her have it---a hole punched in her right breast.

And that is it.  She knows she is going and dong fast.  She sinks down, laying flat, remember all the fights--and she fought them well. 

The enemy walks up to her, looks down at her, and she at him. He shoots her in the heart--ending her.

He then strips her body, looking for anything he can use.  The men are cold, hungry  tired---this dead soldiers clothes will help.  

He leaves her nude--abandoned on the cold concrete.

Bonus--outtakes, addition footage and slow motions after the credits.

Fetish Elements:   Violence, Nudity, Stripping, Multi-Shooting, Fire-fight, Foot Views, Body Views.

Note: Actresses are over 18 at the time of filming and the word "teen", "teenage", "young girl" is only meant to imply legal age characters regardless of audience interpretation. 

PKF Studios adheres to USC 2257 record keeping requirements.

  This movie presented in High Definition
1280X720 HD WMV Format

    Trixi Had Enough - "Trixi Has Enough"  
Starring Pepper Kester and Trixi
Trixi snaps when Pepper pushes her a little too much with her demanding model attitude.  Trixi chases her through the studio.  Pepper is backed against the wall, begging for her life when Tixi shoots her in the belly.  She goes down, in pain, writhing on the floor.

Trixi watches her suffer, then shoots her again in the abdomen   She continues to suffer until Trixi shoots her in the chest,  and she fades off to death.

Trixi checks for life--satisfied she is dead, she leaves.

BONUS:  Cute outtake after credits.

Fetish Elements:   Violence, Nudity, Shooting, Body Views.

Note: Actresses are over 18 at the time of filming and the word "teen", "teenage", "young girl" is only meant to imply legal age characters regardless of audience interpretation. 
PKF Studios adheres to USC 2257 record keeping requirements.
  This movie presented in High Definition
1280X720 HD WMV Format

    Hung Teen - Jessika is walking home from school when a hanging fanatic runs up & grabs her. He carry's her back to his shop. As he is stripping her she provides to much of a fight. So he chocks her out. Once out, he continues to strip the teen. When she is naked he puts a noose around her neck & pulls her up in to a neck hang. Her feet drag on her way up. Jessika comes to as she is being secured. She flops around for awhile when she reaches for a rack that is close. The hanger pulls the rack from her reach dashing her hopes at a escape. She hangs from her neck tell she dies. She is let down & laid out for observation.

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